Shrub Slope

The Shrub Slope showcases Arkansas native shrubs and perennials that provide year-round support for pollinators. With habitat stability from hardy shrubs and seasonal blooms from vibrant flowers, it offers shelter, food, and a colorful, evolving buffet for bees, butterflies, and other wildlife. 

Meet a Native Perennial and Shrub!

American Beautyberry

The American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) is a native shrub known for its stunning clusters of vibrant purple berries that appear in late summer and fall. Its delicate spring flowers attract pollinators, while the berries provide essential food for birds and wildlife. Low-maintenance and versatile, it’s a perfect addition to gardens, adding seasonal color and supporting local ecosystems.


Elderberries (Sambucus canadensis) are versatile native shrubs celebrated for their clusters of fragrant white flowers in spring and dark, nutritious berries in late summer. The berries are a favorite of wildlife and can also be used in jams, syrups, and teas. Hardy and easy to grow, elderberries are a great choice for gardeners looking to support local ecosystems while enjoying their beauty and utility. 

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