Hummingbird Garden
The Hummingbird Garden is all about high-energy pollinators. Filled with native, nectar-rich flowers in hues that hummingbirds love, this area is a lively spot where you can watch these tiny birds in action.
Meet Two Native Nectar-Rich Plants!
Spotted Bee Balm
Spotted Bee Balm (Monarda punctata) is a unique, aromatic perennial known for its showy, purple and yellow flower spikes that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. This native plant thrives in a variety of conditions and adds a splash of color to gardens from mid-summer to fall. With its aromatic foliage and eye-catching blooms, it’s a great choice for adding texture and supporting local wildlife.
Cardinal Flower
The Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is a striking native plant with bright red, tubular blooms that stand tall in wetlands and along streams. Its vivid color is a beacon for hummingbirds and butterflies, making it an essential player in supporting pollinators while adding a bold splash of color to the garden.
Plants Found In This Zone!
Cephalanthus occidentalis
(Graydon Anderson, 9/24)
Cardinal Flower
Lobelia cardinalis
(Dray Makepeace, 9/24)
Eastern Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
(Christine Dunning, 9/23)
Foxglove beardtongue
Penstemon digitalis
(Alice Dong, 9/23)