Ozark Witchhazel
(Hamamelis vernalis)

Left:  Hamamelis vernalis 'Ozark Witchhazel' in ASMSA Garden in Fall 2024.

Above:  Mature Hamamelis vernalis (Ozark Witchhazel)
(Image from forestparkforever.com)

Plant Characteristics

Plant Preference/Growing Conditions:

Witch hazels perform best in full sun or filtered shade. They prefer well-amended soil and regular water and are tolerant of acid or alkaline conditions.

Growth Habit/Description:

 Maximum growth is 10 to 20 feet, grows  4 to 12 inches each season. It has 2-5 inch alternate, dark green leaves and gray to brown colored bark 

Bloom Season:

Ozark Witchhazel blooms from January through April.  It is the first woody species to bloom each year.

Fall and/or Winter Interest?

Yes.  Leaves are kept throughout winter and fruits appear during fall.


Habitat:  Occurs in gravel and rocky dry streambeds, at the bases of rocky slopes, along streams, and rarely on wooded hillsides in rocky draws.

Native to Arkansas?  Yes

Native to Garland County?  Yes

Endemic to Arkansas? No

Ecological Value

Host Plant for Caterpillars?

Yes, the Ozark Witch Hazel hosts the Spring Azure Butterfly (Celastrina ladon) .

Other Known Ecological Value?

Yes.  Provides food to beavers, squirrels, and rabbits through it's bark, turkey/grouse sometimes eat the seeds and flowers, and insects eat most of the plant including sap. 

Other Interesting Facts

Origin of Name: Genus name comes from the Greek words Hama meaning at the same time and melon meaning apple or fruit in reference to the occurrence of both fruit and flowers at the same time.

Related Plant Species: Eastern Witch-Hazel (hamamelis virginiana) produces yellow flowers that bloom earlier in November-December rather than the Ozark Witch-Hazel's January-April bloom.

Use For Food/Medicine:

Witch-hazel is used to make an extract that is also used in shaving lotions and ointments for treating bruises, sprains, skin irritations, and more.  The seed inside the small nut is considered edible and has a nutty flavor.